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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 359 – From a Beast to a Fly

Brandon Billings

In this episode Tony talks about how the battle for purity becomes easier over time.

We become stronger.

We learn to exercise our “no muscle”.

We accumulate more and more successes.

We learn that we can resist temptation.

Temptation is not bigger than you.

You’re bigger than temptation, and God always makes a way to escape.

You can grow in godliness.

You can grow in righteousness.

You’re not doomed to forever hang on by the skin of your teeth and white knuckles.

In the old days it seemed like temptation was this powerful beast that would come in and sieze you.

It was bigger than you and it was hard to resist.

But now that you’re growing in God and getting some tools and stategies the beast is becoming a fly, and you can shoo away a fly when it trys to bother you.

God’s grace and healing are powerful.

You are a man of God, and you’re designed for high levels of success in God’s Kingdom.

The beast is becoming a fly!

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