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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 367 – Taking Risks with Sex

Brandon Billings

Have you ever been in the place where you know you should not sexully do the thing your’re about to do, but for some reason you’re simply powerless to resist against it, and you go ahead and do the thing even though you know you shouldn’t to the thing?

You go ahead and take the “risk” even though you know you should not be taking the “risk”.

What’s going on with that?

How and when did we learn to take such great risks with our sexual self?

Where were the seeds of such risk taking planted in our hearts and lives?

Imagine walking up to the very edge of the Grand Canyon, and literally standing on the very edge, and hanging your toes over!

Dude, you’re way too close to the edge!

Are you crazy!

Do you realize that you’re flirting with great danger if you alllow yourself to go up to the very edge over and over again?

You might get away with it one time.

You might get awasty with it two times.

You might get away with it seventeen times in a row, but if you keep going up to the very edge, you might just fall off!

In this episode Tony helps us to understand how and why we learned to take such big “risks” in our sexual behavior, and what we can do to pull ourselves back from the edge.

The power of taking risks can be broken in you life, through the power and the blood of Christ!

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