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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 377 – Why Did God Invent Sex? – Part 1

Brandon Billings

In this series of episodes Tony talks about why God invented sex.

God is brilliant.

God is a genius.

The wisdom and power of God are incomprehensible.

At some point in the flow of eternity God decides he’s going to create the universe, and humanity.

And just think for a moment about how God could have created humanity if he wanted to.

If God wanted the human race he could have just created 8 billion people all at once, just like he created Adam and Eve.

But for some reason God comes up with this brilliant idea and he decides he’s going to create the human race through the procreation of the human race.

So God creates Adam and Eve, and God creates sex.

He designs the male body with the right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the male brain to create a sexual creature.

And he creates the femlae body witht he right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the female brain to create a sexual creature.

And the male has the ability to become aroused and to become erect, and the female has the ability to become aroused and to lubricate.

And the female has the ability to ovulate and to become pregnant.

And the whole thing is absolutely amazing, and fascinatiing, and mysterious, and wonderful, and delicious.

In this series Tony reveals the 3 primary reasons that God invented sex.

As we gain a proper understanding of what sex is, and why God invented sex, it brings clarity to our hearts and minds and creates the frame of reference that allows us to both express and experinece our sexual gift in a way that’s consistence with the very reasons God has given us this wonderful gift!

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