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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 380 – Castaway – Part 1

Brandon Billings

Do you remember the movie, Castaway?

In the movie Tom Hanks plays a character named Chuck Noland, who works for Fed Ex.

As the story unfolds, he’s involved in a plane crash and he’s the sole survior.

He washes ashore on a deserted island and remains stranded there for over 4 years.

His only “companion” is a volleyball he names “Wilson”, who he talks to on a regular basis.

He tries several times to escape the island but it’s an exercise in futility because of the power of the crashing “waves” that are constatnly coming against him.

Eventually he devises a plan in his attempt to overcome the waves, and he’s finally successful.

In much the same way, this story becomes a metaphor for many men who are trapped on the island of sexual compulsion and addiction.

It feels like we’re trapped.

It feels like we’re in a bondage that we can never escape.

It feels like the constant waves that are coming against us are insurmountable and impossible to overcome.

In this series Tony reflects on this metaphor and shares 11 of the “waves” crashing against men that make it seem like they can never get free from the “island” they’ve been trapped on.

But even more importantly, Tony shares God’s remdey for each one of these waves, and reveals that in the end, just like Chuck Noland, we can escape the island we’ve been trapped on for years.

Have you been a Castaway?

May you be encouraged and inspired by this series toward the true freedom and rescue God has intended for you!

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