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The Power of Purity Podcast – Episode 384 – Muscle Memory – Part 2

Brandon Billings

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Muscle memory is so important is so many areas of life and especally in sports.




Ping Pong.



To become really good at the game you’re trying to master, you often need to develop “muscle memory” so you can repeat the proper motion over and over again.

The movement needs to become embedded in your body.

It needs to become instinct and intuition.

You need to be able to do what you need to do, over and over again, without even thinking about it, because if you have to think about it, you’re already a step behind where you need to be.

And in much the same way, if we’re ever going to be the men of purity that God is calling us to be, we need to develop the “muscle memory” necessary for sexual purity.

In this series Tony shares some important principles that will help you discover how to develop this “muscle memory”.

If you practice over and over again, just like your dance steps. and just like your golf swing, the “muscle memory” of your sexual purity will become embedded to the place where you no longer have to even think about it, because you’re just doing it without even realizing you’re doing it.

Be encouraged.

Don’t dive up.

Keep practicing, and you’ll develop the “muscle memory” of purity!

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