A listener of The Power of Purity Podcast sent the following note:
I recently listened to episodes 162 and 163 with Frank Johnson and am now going through all 300 plus episodes myself. I am tired of that powerless feeling when those BAM moments hit and want to get to a place where I am controlling sex and not the other way around. I just want to say how much of a blessing your show has been to me. I really relate to you and the guests you’ve had on the podcast. Please continue to keep up this work. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Can you relate?
Have you ever been living your life, minding your own business, and then out of no where… BAM… you get blindsided with a sudden and unexpected temptation or trigger?
It happens to all of us.
The “BAM” is the moment you get hit with an unexpected temptation, and how we handle those “BAM” moments will determine our ability to be the man of purity God is calling us to be.
In this two part series, Important BAM Prinicples, Tony shares 3 different ideas that are incredibly important toward navigating the BAM with great success!
WARNING – there is a “BAM” coming to you in the very near future, and this series will help you be prepared for your next “BAM”!