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The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 387 – To Tell The Truth

Brandon Billings

The truth is incredibly important.

You’re in a spiritual battle that’s raging over your life, and the greatest weapon the enemy has to use against you is the power of the “lie”.

If the enemy tells you a lie, and you beleive the lie, it’s as if the lie becomes your truth, because you’re beliving it’s true, even though it’s a lie.

In this way the lie can hold power and authority over your life and soul.

For example, in the early days of Tony’s struggle, he believe the lie, “I cannot resist temptation.”

And because that lie was holding a place of authority in Tony’s life, it was very hard for Tony to resist tempation, because Tony was believing that he could not resist temptation.

Jesus said in John 8:32 – “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

It’s absolutly imperative that we identify the lies that are coming against us and that we replace those lies with the truth of God.

In this epsiose Tony shares 12 statements of “truth” that will be central to your walk of purity.

If you don’t beleive these 12 things you will struggle in your walk of purity.

If you replace the lies with these 12 statements of “truth”, your walk of purity will be strengthened.

Be blessed this day, in Jesus’ Name!

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